August 5, 2019
CID Project insight Jaka Skapin
Vocal improv is one of the hardest musical practices because of its necessity for surrender and compassion, as is the same in dance improvisation. Surrender and kinaesthetic compassion are things we have explored in detail in our Dancing with Parkinson’s programme.
July 18, 2019
CID Project exhibition insight, Sara Hibbert
Sara Hibbert, visual artist on the CID Project provides an insight into her process and experience working with the Dancing with Parkinson's Company
July 16, 2019
As we come to the close…
As the CID Project reaches its conclusion this coming Saturday 20 July, Danielle Jones (Teale) reflects on the ambition of the project, what has been achieved and how we aspire to make an impact artistically, creatively and personally
July 11, 2019
CID Project week 6 workshop insight
One of the original collaborative relationships that initiated the CID Project was that between Artistic Director Danielle Jones (Teale) and Music Director Jaka Skapin. From the outset this was to be an immersive experience bringing dance and music equally into the forefront of improvisation and creative exploration.
June 28, 2019
CID Project week 4 workshop insight
In week 4 of the CID project, our last guest workshop leader Kimberley Harvey joined the company to share practices from her work 'Inky Matter'...
June 25, 2019
1001 reasons to dance in Poplar
Three (of a thousand and one) reasons to be happy dancing in Poplar
June 24, 2019
CID Project week 3 workshop insight
This workshop insight contributed by Sally Varrall, supporting artist on the CID project, offers thoughts on visibility within the frame of seeing & being seen, in the week 3 CID workshop led by Casson & Friends.
June 21, 2019
A dance for two…
Week 3 of the CID project saw us play together with the concepts of narrative and storytelling led by Casson and Friends artist Chloe Mead. We developed close personal duet material which we shared together for the rest of the group.
June 20, 2019
One of the values underpinning the CID project is bringing visibility to people with Parkinson's and their contribution to the dance community. This has been a featured topic in our discussion groups at the end of each weekly workshop.
June 18, 2019
Fight or embrace?
Week 2 of the CID project saw us lead physically in exploratory tasks by Bim Malcomson to find a sense of ballet’s use of points in space, how the carriage of the arms can help us reach and trace to the edge of our kinesphere, how we can use opposing directional forces to find moments of expansion and how we can shape the geography and landscape of the space by physically relocating from one place to another. Using this acquired information, we worked on a series of tasks in pairs to create duets which we then performed to each other.
June 18, 2019
Celebration, visibility and democracy
Kate Swindlehurst is a dancer with the CID project as well as a writer and author of 'The Tango Effect'... here she reflects on her experience of the project so far.
June 16, 2019
Themes arising – week 2
In week 2 of the CID project we were led by the inimitable Bim Malcomson. She led us to explore space, sound and connections, through the vehicle of the ballet framework including kinaesthetic awareness, reaching towards and mapping points in space and extension of the spine. In group discussion we shared our experiences together with the following topics and featured themes arising.
June 14, 2019
CID Project week 2 workshop insight
Week 2 of the CID Project at Poplar Union introduced the choreographic style of Bim Malcomson and conversation that followed led by Danielle Jones (Teale).
June 10, 2019
Reflections on meaningful collaboration
Jaka Skapin (Musical Director for the CID Project) reflects on the first session of the project
June 7, 2019
Themes arising – week 1
In week 1 of the CID project we explored what dance means to us, how we identify with ourselves and what is different between dancing and other groups we belong to. In group and one to one conversation we explored these themes together with interesting subjects and discussions arising.
June 7, 2019
CID Project week 1 workshop insight
Week 1 of the CID Project at Poplar Union started with an introduction workshop and conversations led by Danielle Jones (Teale).
June 3, 2019
CID Project – an introduction
This summer, I’m collaborating with Poplar Union to begin the Dancing with Parkinson’s Company. In this short piece I wanted to outline the ambitions of the project and my journey so far…
June 1, 2019
Looking back – Collective Field 2017
In 2017, an interest in the contrasting collective and intimate spaces of dance, provoked by ongoing work with dancers with Parkinson’s, led dance artist Danielle Jones (Teale) to develop the practice as research project, Explorations in Collectivity & Intimacy.