news from the aep…
the art of paying attention
Hannah Robertshaw introduced us to the creative parallels between our work and coaching practice on day 2 of the Skills Exchange.
The things that emerged from this session are valuable for all of us to consider for ourselves, as well as for our practice with others:
- Listening – REALLY listening, and giving space and time for the person to resolve their thoughts, is a different experience to partially, distracted listening
- Holding the space (a theme that has arisen already during our week) invites the contributor to feel safe in their expression
- Being alongside someone in their thinking, can men physically, in emotional terms or both in the creative setting
- The principle of our creative work aligns with the coaching belief that a person has it inside themselves to find the right way, path, or answer
- We are there to support a creative experience, not to make decisions about which way to lead someone down a specific path
- Directing a process does not mean deliberately pointing in one direction
- Sometimes allowing space and time, is more powerful than filling every moment
- Coming to our own conclusions, helps us to commit to the answers we discover
- It can be hard to get beyond pleasing people when making creative direction choices, but moving beyond our initial responses gives us space to find something else – ask what next, or what else of your practice and of those you work with