The Danielle Teale Dance, Dancing with Parkinson’s classes held at St. Joseph’s Hospice in Hackney have gone from strength to strength over the last year. After a successful pilot of 12 classes we were able to secure funding for a further term of 12 weeks and the dancers have developed their practice as dancers and choreographers, working with me and lead musician Jaka Skapin to develop a huge variety of creative responses and ideas.
“The teacher is pure joy, the helper’s kindness itself, other students are fun. I love to feel myself moving freely or firmly with a friendly face”
This week, the Clinical Research team at St. Joseph’s presented a poster at the Hospice UK National Conference based on the findings from a small evaluative research study into the goal attainment benefits of the classes for people who attend. This is available to view here and provides further evidence to add to the growing research evidence available into the fantastic value of dancing for people with Parkinson’s.